Indian Wushu Players Anjul Namdeo and Aditya Kumar finished 11th and 24th Taolu Men’s Jianshu at the 14th Wushu World Championship 2017, Kazan, Russia.
Anjul was able to impress the referees by scoring 9.30 points out of 10 by his martial arts skills and finished at the 11th position, while his teammate Aditya Kumar scored 8.54 points and finished 24th.
Gold medal of the event was won by Malaysia’s Weng Son Wong who scored 9.64 points. Korea’s Hasung Lee and Malaysia’s Wai Kin Yeap won Silver and Bronze with 9.60 and 9.53 points.
Jianshu is a Wushu form where a player uses a sword as the main element to show his martial arts and acrobatics skills.